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Many come together in Western Mexico for bicentenary celebrations
Whether in Guadalajara, Zapopan, Chapala, or Colima, celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of the Báb in Western Mexico were vibrant occasions of joy and reverence.
Bicentenary commemorated in various ways in Mexico
In Mexico, commemorations of the bicentenary of the birth of the Báb take diverse forms: study groups; joyful celebrations; and gatherings in homes.
Raising funds for bicentenary celebrations
In Aguascalientes, Mexico, the community has been saving funds for the bicentenary celebrations.
A bicentenary celebration in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Friends and families celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of the Báb in Aguascalientes, Mexico
Молодежь облагустраивает свое окружение
Группа молодых людей в Мексико, вдохновленная писаниями Бахаи, убирает свое соседство и сажает деревья в рамках подготовки к двухсотлетию.
Glimpses into the bicentenary celebration in Ensenada, Mexico
A community in Ensenada, Mexico, celebrates the bicentenary of the birth of the Báb.
Old friends reunited and new friends made at celebrations in Mexico
In Aguascalientes and Margaritas, Mexico, many gather to celebrate the bicentenary and strengthen bonds of friendship.
Diverse gatherings and events occur across Mexico
In commemoration of the bicentenary, communities throughout Mexico celebrated joyfully in a wide range of settings.
Празднование на открытом воздухе в соседстве в Мексике
A community in Guadalajara, Mexico, gathers to celebrate the bicentenary in a local neighborhood park. They take turns sharing remarks on the occasion and perform a traditional dance.