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In Timor-Leste, an artistic celebration of bicentenary
Youth and children perform dances and songs during a bicentenary celebration in Dili, Timor-Leste.
At bicentenary celebration, community recalls history of the Faith in Timor-Leste
More than 100 people from around Timor-Leste participated in this bicentenary celebration, held at the grave site of the first person to bring the Bahá’í Teachings to the island nation. Youth attending the celebration perform a song to mark this special occasion.
Celebrating the bicentenary at a local hospital
In an effort to create a joyful environment at a hospital in Tibar, Timor-Leste, the Bahá’í community organized a bicentenary celebration for patients and staff.
Celebrating the bicentenary in Tibar, Timor-Leste
In Tibar, Timor-Leste, a community celebrates the bicentenary.
Sharing stories and performing a dance in honor of the bicentenary
In one community in Timor-Leste, children perform a dance and share stories about the Báb as part of a celebration of the bicentenary of His birth.
Group photograph of celebrants in Timor-Leste
Smiling friends in Timor-Leste pose for a photograph at their celebration of the birth of the Báb.
Празднества общины в Дили
Празднество в Дили, Восточный Тимор, собрало всю общину в духе единства. Была организована специальная выставка, представляющая раннюю истории Веры Бахаи.
Молодежь и дети празднуют в Дили
Молодежь и дети собрались в духе радости праздновать двухсотлетие. Творческоое занятие, подготовленное для детей, отображает историю из детства Баба.